Rocket Piano Reviews All Hype

Are there songs you want to play with your church? Whatever your reasons are for learning Piano, Rocket Piano WILL work for you, and its fun!

With Rocket Piano you'll discover how to read music, how to improvize, how to play Jazz and Gospel, and how to play with the magic and "feel" of a professional. We designed Rocket Piano to be the easiest system to learn to play the piano available anywhere.

 Rocket Piano is jam-packed with quality information, including hundreds of sound files, pictures, diagrams, videos lessons and step-by-step instructions training you to read music and play by ear.

Feel like you're stuck in a rut with your piano playing?
There are probably hundreds of songs that you want to learn to play on piano, and you're probably using outdated methods to learn to play them without even knowing it!

That's why we've created this web page, so you can discover an amazing, new piano learning method that will teach you how to play virtually any piano song you hear, with the timing, rhythm and magic of a professional.

Rocket Piano is packed full of quality step-by-step lessons, sound files, games and resources to get you results fast!

Learning to Play the Piano the Right Way
We wrote Rocket Piano because we were fed up with the quality of learn piano products on the market.

Studies show that 97% of all pianists discover that learning how to play piano isn't as easy as they thought it would be. In Rocket Piano you get three books of step-by-step lessons, video demonstrations and high quality sound files.

These lessons take you on a journey from beginner to an advanced skill level by fast-tracking your development, while covering every aspect involved in learning to play piano.

With Rocket Piano you learn how to play the piano from Beginner through Intermediate to Advanced. It's easy! You'll learn faster because we have made the process fun!

With Rocket Piano you also learn several classic songs as well as original songs that are exclusive to Rocket Piano. Rocket Piano gives you the skills to be able to learn to play the songs you want.

The course doesn't just teach you the practical playing, it also gives you a sound grounding in music theory and gives you a background in piano, its history and how it works. We know most people get frustrated with theory courses.

With our method of learning the intricacies of music theory and how it works, you'll be hooked! Rocket Piano teaches you not only what to practice but how to practice. You practice smarter, not harder, so learning to play is fast and enjoyable.

You'll also learn important things like how to play the piano to communicate a feeling or emotion. When people hear you play they'll say "that song you played really touched my heart" or "I can understand what that song is about".

It's the way you play and express the music. Rocket Piano teaches pianists at different levels and abilities and that makes it special. Rocket Piano also teaches you how to improvise.

You learn about melody, harmony, chords, arpeggios, scales, and how to play chord progressions in any key. You will learn how to read music from nothing but chord symbols! Rocket Piano shows you how!